Thursday, December 15, 2005


This morning, as I was waiting at the traffic lights outside UWA, I noticed something odd. A man in a dark suit was standing on the roadside, with his back to the traffic, using a digital camera to film the iconic clocktower on Winthrop Hall.

winthrop hall

As he finished filming he turned, and revealled himself to be, as the news reports put it, "a man of Middle-Eastern appearance". He even had one of those bushy Saddam Hussein-style moustaches. He glanced furtively at the cars, then strode off towards the administration buildings.

If it wasn't for the fact that blowing up Winthrop Hall would acheive nothing other than the destruction of some very nice Napier Waller mosaics, and perhaps the odd pipe organ enthusiast, I'd be sort of worried.


Blogger T said...

Too many exmas in the basement there to really regret the destruction of an otherwise fine building!

6:27 AM  

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